CC&Rs—Sun City

CC&Rs are designed to protect the value of property from neighbors who fail to properly maintain their property. As an an example, many CC&Rs prevent all owners from keeping farm animals on the property.

LEGAL NOTICE! When you acquire property in Arizona, you are tacitly agreeing to be bound by any and all CC&Rs that reference that property. The CC&Rs are enforceable in a court of law. Be an informed purchaser. Know what you are buying before you purchase property. You are buying into all of the CC&Rs associated with that property.

NOTE: Sun City CC&Rs are enforced by two different organizations. These organizations will usually be able to resolve issues before they go to a court of law. If you have an issue that you think is a violation, start with the appropriate one of these two excellent associations:

- SCHOA enforces the CC&Rs for single-family residences in Sun City. (Includes Dawn Lake Dock Numbers 1-109.)
     Sun City Homeowners Association
     10401 W Coggins Drive
     Sun City, AZ 85351
     (623) 974-4718

- SCCOA enforces the CC&Rs for condominium residences in Sun City. (Includes Dawn Lake Dock Numbers 110-143.)
     Sun City Condominium Owners Association
     11132 California Ave., Suite B
     Youngtown, AZ 85363
     (623) 974-9035

Each residential lot around Dawn Lake is included in one of four (4) Sun City "Units." In order to find the appropriate CC&Rs for a particular property, one needs to know which of the four units the subject property is located in.
  • Unit 19 includes Dawn Lake docks 1-7, 14-31, and 42-59.
  • Unit 19-A includes Dawn Lake docks 8-13 and 32-41.
  • Unit 20 includes Dawn Lake docks 110-143.
  • Unit 20-A includes Dawn Lake docks 60-109.

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